I can find Three Broadband at my postcode, but my address isn’t showing in the option list. Why is this?
We use data provided by The Royal Mail, and sometimes it can miss properties if there’s been development in the area. Not to worry though, if you speak to one of our friendly agents on chat or call us on 0330 686 6000 we’ll be able to confirm whether you can get Three Broadband at your address.
Why is my first bill more than the monthly charge I signed up for?
Your first bill might be a tad higher than your usual monthly plan. That’s because if you join part way through a month, those days may get added on to your first full month’s bill, depending on your billing date. This is called pro-rata. Don’t worry, this is a one-off charge and on all your future bills, you’ll only see your monthly plan plus any extra services you buy.
Do I need a phone line?
No siree! We use wireless technology, so you don’t need a landline. Just plug your hub into a power socket and you will be online in a few minutes. This means you don’t have to pay for a landline you never use. Nice.
How quickly can I get Three Broadband?
We’ve got next working day delivery. Once you’ve received your hub, it’s plug and play. No need for cables or an engineer to install anything. You’ll be ready to browse within minutes.
How do I set up my broadband?
Getting your Three Broadband Hub up and running couldn’t be easier. Simply plug your hub into a plug socket using the power adaptor and switch on at the wall. Wait a few minutes for your hub to start up and then find out where you get the best speed. This might take a few extra minutes but is well worth doing to get a great service and our fastest speeds.
Where should I place my indoor hub?
Whether you’re on our 4G or 5G service, the placement of your hub is mighty important. On the hub box you’ll see our steps for how to set up your hub. As this is wireless technology there needs to be a clear line of site for the hub and no electronic equipment such as microwaves or baby monitors nearby. These could interfere with the signal. The hub needs to be next to the window (on the windowsill if possible).
If you have our 4G Verve hub then please make sure the Relish logo is pointing out of the window. You need to make sure there are no curtains, blinds or pot plants in the way.
If you’ve run through all these steps and still need help improving the speeds please call our team on 0330 686 8000, they’ll be able to tell you the perfect position to place your hub.
There are no lights lit up on my hub, what should I do?
If there are no lights on your hub please try re-positioning it. It needs to be beside a window (on the windowsill if possible), with no blinds or curtains blocking the signal. Once you've re-positioned it, try turning it off for a few minutes, then switch it on again to reset it. That should do the trick. You can see more information on how to set up your hub in your user guide.